Trading the Camera for Client Relations: My Journey from Photojournalist to Accounts Manager

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Accounts manager? As in, in the marketing department? One of my colleagues from the editorial department asked me with whom I have worked for seven years.

I then replied yes. 

I was told that working as an accounts manager means will get to enjoy holidays meaning more time for my firstborn.

I remember when I broke the news I was already pregnant with my first child to our general manager. He had a mixed emotion, why? Because he fought for me to get the promotion as an OIC for the department and it’s upto me to prove that I deserve it. And how can I prove it with my situation?

But I kept a positive mind, God loves me and he blessed me with not only a promotion but with a child.

My first trimester was not easy. I had to deal with all that morning sickness, I was always on leave and assigned my colleague to take over my position for our team while I was on leave. That was during my probation period as OIC.  I know my promotion is at stake but what can I do?

You can just imagine the situation I was in during that time.

When I was already on maternity leave, I was contemplating and asked for advice. Since working in the newspaper was the only job that  I knew at that time, I asked around what department would allow having quality time with my firstborn, I was then told to transfer to the marketing department and I requested.

A photo of me and my firstborn. My First Christmas holiday in 2007. First time not working during holidays.

My request to be transferred to the marketing department was processed while I was on leave.

So by the time I reported back to work, I only had a few days with the editorial department and then was transferred to the marketing.

That’s when I learned that although, we will enjoy the holidays but marketing department in a newspaper company is like an advertising company.

It was indeed fun. New to me but time-consuming because I have to deal with the client, work on their advertising layouts and the schedules that will be posted, and billing. Compared with being a photojournalist or. a journalist, you submit at least 3 articles a day or 3-4 photos a day, and you’re done. You don’t need to render 8 hours per day as there are times that the journalist spends more than 8 hours with no overtime pay at that time.

Compared with the editorial department, I can’t leave the office anytime I want Since my job now requires punch in of 8 hours.

There are times wherein when a client will request for marketing collateral to be delivered to them, no matter where they are, we need to deliver even if it is past 5 pm.

So I reflected if it was the job I wanted since it defeats my purpose why I asking to be transferred.

So, I don’t have any other choice but to resign and search for a job where I can spend time with my firstborn.

Beginning her career as a Photojournalist at The Freeman Newspaper/Philippine Star from 2000 to 2007, she then served as an Accounts Manager from 2007 to 2008. Driven by a passion for sports, she transitioned to a Sportswriter role at CDN and expanded into news writing for Inquirer Visayas. From 2010 to 2015, she honed her skills as a Sportswriter at Sunstar Cebu, after which she took the initiative to launch her own

Iste Sesante Leopoldo

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